About Us

The Faculty of Letters under the body of Trakya University became an independent Faculty after the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which was established in accordance with the decree with power of law numbered 41 that was published in the Official Gazette dated 20 July 1982 and numbered 17760, was separated in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers numbered 2010/127 and published in the Official Gazette dated 4 March 2010 and numbered 27511.

The Departments under the body of our Faculty are Turkish Language and Literature, History, Archaeology, History of Art, Translation and Interpretation (English, German, Bulgarian), Balkan Languages and Literatures (Albanian Language and Literature, Bosnian Language and Literature, Modern Greek Language and Literature, Romanian Language and Literature, Bulgarian Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature, Croatian Language and Literature, Hungarian Language and Literature) and Armenian Language and Literature. There is also evening education for the Department of Turkish Language and Literature and the Department of History.

This content was issued on 05.02.2014 and has been viewed for 3729 times.